Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thank you for your support!

Ever since the XC State Championships have ended, I've been receiving emails from angry supporters about the lack of photographic coverage. I tried to get the message out before the meet so everyone would be aware that I wouldn't be covering States, but it's hard to reach everyone.

This is the story. The HHSAA "owns" the state championships in Hawaii. As such, it is their right to control anything that generates revenue having to do with those championships. Photography is one of those activities. The HHSAA has decided they want to deal with only one photographer to cover all the State Championships. I understand that decision as it makes it easier to run a very complicated business. Of course, I don't like it, but I understand it.

For cross-country, what that means is the coverage was provided by someone who (as far as I know) hasn't covered ANY cross-country this year. If you go to this photographer's site (please don't ask me for a link because I don't feel like providing any free advertising for him), you will see that he doesn't even have a category for cross-country. It has now been a few days since the meet has ended. As you all know, I would have had all the photos up long ago. Actually, for a morning meet I would have had them up by the afternoon, certainly by that night. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before his photos are posted.

I did take some photos at the State Championships but they were for my own use and for my school and running related websites I maintain. These photos are not for sale. I didn't even use a pro lens. I was trying to enjoy the freedom of finally attending a cross-country meet as a dad and not a photographer. Please don't ask me for photos as I will not go against the HHSAA rules.

What would be nice, would be a little different policy when it comes to photography for States. Let the favored photographer have "most" of the Championships, but when there is a dedicated photographer in a certain sport (like me) who knows the sport very well and has earned the right by covering EVERY MEET in the season, allow the expert to do just that sport. But, I don't make these decisions. I have expressed my displeasure but I'm sure my opinion falls on deaf ears. Who suffers because of this policy besides me? If this favored photographer does not provide the service that I do, you suffer. You are welcome to let the HHSAA know if you feel strongly about it. Maybe things will change some day.

I will be back with an analysis of the Championships soon.

That's all for now.


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